Thursday, May 30, 2013


The following is my favorite quote from Norman Vincent Peale:

PRAY BIG.  Think big.  Believe big.  The gospel of Matthew 9:29 declares, "Because of your faith, you will be heard."  In other words, your life is going to be in proportion to how greatly you believe.  Believe little, and you get a little life.  Believe weak, and you get a weak life.  Believe fear, and you get a life of fear.  Believe sickness, and you get a sick life.  Believe big, and you get a big life.  Jesus said, "Anything is possible for someone who has faith!" (Mark 9:23).  Which means what?  That the person who believes is going to get everything he wants?  No, it doesn't say that.  It means that if you believe big, you move things out of the realm of the impossible into the realm of the possible.

Christianity is the religion of the incredible, the religion of the astonishing, the religion of the breathless.  You bring to yourself what you believe.

When uncontrolled, your mind can be damaging to you, but when controlled, it can develop unlimited power.  Think defeat and you are bound to feel defeat.  But practice thinking confident thoughts and you will develop such a strong sense of capacity that regardless of what difficulties arise you will be able to overcome them.  Fear is the  most powerful of all thoughts with one exception, and that one exception is faith.  Stress the thought of plenty.  Thoughts of plenty help create plenty. 

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