Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Video: Capital Campaign video 1 - not used

I was asked to put together a video for the Capital Campaign.  I planned three sections.  I began by reworking the initial fire video (posted somewhere in this blog) I put together several years ago in order to add some interviews, and then placed what we've been doing over the last year as the second section.  There is a transition between the sections which I narrated.  I was going to get another person who does this very well to do the narration after I added the second transition.  However, I was told that the fire video was no longer relevant to the current congregation so I scrapped it and made a quick "history" of Gravel Hill, which is posted after this one.  I put an awful lot of work into these videos, so I posted it so if anyone was interested, they could watch it.  I did not blur any clips of children - most of them go by quickly or are covered with text.  Hope you enjoy parts 1 and 2 of a not used video...  

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